November 18, 2014
"Ow!" "Did that squirrel just bite you?" "Yes!" - Elders Garriss and Egbert
This week has been a fantastic week for us!!
"Ow!" "Did that squirrel just bite you?" "Yes!" - Elders Garriss and Egbert
This week has been a fantastic week for us!!
Jing passed her baptismal interview on Friday and came to church on Sunday! We have taught her everything and she is preparing for baptism this Saturday. She even asked me to baptize her!!! I am so honored!! We texted all of the information about her baptism to Sister Choi and we really hope they will be able to attend. Having the opportunity to teach Jing has been one of the greatest blessings of my mission. We attended the Member and Missionary Fireside last night as well. She really enjoyed the fireside. President Choi and Sister Choi even talked with her after!
We received training this week which was really important for us. We went over Baptisms and Baptismal Services -- focusing on how to have the perfect baptismal service. We are working closely with our Ward Mission Leader as well as Jing to prepared her and help him prepare the baptism.
We had the opportunity to have interviews with President Choi this week. I love interviews. Its 7 minutes with President. Its a pretty amazing experience. I love President Choi.
I wanted to share with you an experience from this week. It happened at the Member and Missionary Fireside last night. After the closing prayer, we are given about 20 minutes to socialize and see members, investigators, and converts from our previous wards who attended the Fireside. I had the special experience of seeing a family from Redmond 1st. Rosie and Roberto with their sons Roberto Jr. and Jason all attended the fireside. Elder Kearley -- who is now serving in Redmond 1st -- found me at the fireside and quickly pulled me over to them telling me "Rosie is here to see you!!". Seeing them was such a great blessing! I loved working with this family. Rosie told me that her and her family came to the fireside specifically in the hopes to see me. Rosie bore her testimony to me and thanked me through grateful tears for all I did for her and her family. I never knew I had done that much for them. It turns out, it wasn't until I had been transferred that they realized the importance of all that the Gospel holds. She expressed that she never thought I would actually get transferred or would be gone. Because I was transferred, they began to take the discussions very seriously. They told Elder Kearley not to call but just show up so that she can't make up an excuse haha! I was so grateful to hear that they have attended church almost every week since I left! Their whole family is coming together as a stronger unit and their testimonies are growing. Roberto has decided he wants to be active in the church, Rosie wants to be baptized and stay strong, Jason has already been baptized since I left and little Roberto Jr is just an awesome little 4 year old. I gave them all huge hugs and gave Jason an extra one since I can't hug Rosie. As we were driving home, a scripture came to my mind: "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings; that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good; that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth;" (Mosiah 12:21). What a blessing it is to be a missionary. It is inexpressible the joy I felt upon seeing Rosie and her family at the fireside, in their Sunday dress, happy, and giving thanks to God. Do missionary work. You will feel the love of the Savior touch the lives of those around you, and as you do, you will feel the Savior's love in a greater abundance in your own life. Sharing the gospel is not about numbers. It is about creating relationships that will last for eternity.
I love you! I hope you have had a wonderful week. Thank you so much for your prayers! I really appreciate them and feel their power. Keep being faithful! And remember - Mom, Dad, and whomever else reads this - Do missionary work.
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