Something that stood out to me this week in my studies was Isaiah 41:10. It was the inspiration for one of the verses of How Firm a Foundation. I really love the powerful words of "Fear thou not; for I am with thee... for I am thy God". It makes me think of "Be still and know that I am God." All things are in his control and I need not worry about every little thing. In the words of President Gordon B Hinckley, "It will all work out".

Saturday, May 2, 2015

(April 13, 2015) "Fear thou not; for I am with thee... for I am thy God". It makes me think of "Be still and know that I am God."

We had a pretty good week this week.  We found the most solid new investigator, Brian.  He watched all of conference, reads the ensign every month, reads the book of Mormon daily, and prays every day.  He wants to be baptized too.  It was awesome! But we had to refer him to Seattle YSA 1st because he will do the best there rather than our ward.  It seems that we have referred off all of the solid investigators we find recently.  

We had a church tour with a middle school class this week that had been set up through President Wood.  That was a unique experience and it went really well!  We were able to share many points of our beliefs and give literature to the class.  They had many questions and most of them were relevant.  (And only one completely off the wall one: "What would happen if Jesus was reincarnated as a lesbian black woman that was raped?" "We don't believe in reincarnation" "Oh, okay!") Overall, it was great!

We have really been working with the members of the ward to get excitement building.  We are teaching a returning active member weekly now.  Her name is Jesse.  She's awesome! She has such a great desire to come back.  She has attended church 2 weeks in a row and watched conference.  Her husband is not a member but allowed her to have her 1 year old blessed at church as well as watched some of conference with her.  We hope to work with him sometime, but for now our focus is on her.  We have other part member families we are really focusing on because we have felt that part member families are where we will find our new investigators that will become strong pillars of this ward.

Something that stood out to me this week in my studies was Isaiah 41:10.  It was the inspiration for one of the verses of How Firm a Foundation.  I really love the powerful words of "Fear thou not; for I am with thee... for I am thy God".  It makes me think of "Be still and know that I am God."  All things are in his control and I need not worry about every little thing.  In the words of President Gordon B Hinckley, "It will all work out".

Elder Connor M. Garriss


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