It was a good past week...
We almost doubled the amount of tracting each day because we are still in need of investigators. We have been tracting most afternoons plus sacred finding time from 5-7pm.
That being said, we had a great lesson with Stacy! She read what we assigned in the Book of Mormon and commit to continue reading and to start praying about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. She wouldn't commit to church yet. She is really progressing though so far.
Sadly, our investigator Michael dropped up this week when we showed up with a member to pick him up for a church tour on Saturday... Lame!
We had a good talk with the Roy Family who are recent converts in the ward but the Sister Roy never got baptized. We talked with Brother Roy about teaching her the lessons and he is working with members of our ward now to get the arranged for next Sunday. And that was pretty much our week.
Any questions?
I love you!
Elder Connor Marshall Garriss
Note from Mom:
Dear Connor,
Thanks so Much for the Birthday card

It made my day!! I am so grateful for you! It really is the simple things that make life good! I am so glad you are learning that early in life!
Today was a spiritual day for me...during the sacrament I opened your Book of Mormon to the scripture Mosiah had it marked.
"And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than his strength"
I felt that this was an answer to prayer. I loved this reminder that we all have a different journey & we have to build our spiritual muscles daily. Just like going to the don't start out lifting 200 lbs, you build gradually, if you work out frequently you will eventually get there...but not overnight!
I am really glad I found
your Book of Mormon